
The canvas is where both font previewing and glyph editing take place.

Type preview

Edit the preview text

The preview string can be edited in the preview text panel.

Zoom and move around

Use the navigation tools to zoom in and out and move around the canvas.

Go to other glyphs

Use the preview text panel to go to other glyphs by typing characters.
Use the find glyph panel to search for glyphs by name.

Go to other sources

Use the sources section of the designspace panel to switch to another source.
Use the shortcut keys ⌘ ↑ to go to the previous source, and ⌘ ↓ to go to the next source.

Display options

Light / dark color schemes

Use the options panel to switch between light, dark or auto (follow OS) color modes.

Full screen mode

Use the navigation tools to activate and deactivate full screen mode.

Show other sources

Use the sources section of the designspace panel to display other sources in the background.

Show reference font

Use the reference font panel to display any glyph from a binary font in the background.

Show coordinates

Use the options panel to display coordinates of selected points.

Glyph selection

Glyph editing

Designspace visualization